Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 2, 2023

Metaspeed A.S (referred to as "Service", “we,” “us,” or “our”) is committed to safeguarding the personal information it collects when you use our website(the “Site”), mobile applications (the “Apps”, “Games”), and together, the “Services”. This Privacy Policy covers our data collection practices and describes your rights to access, correct, or restrict our use of your personal data; in plain language, keeping legal and technical jargon to a minimum. If you have questions about this Policy, please contact us at

Why does Metaspeed collect data from its apps and games?

When you install and use Metaspeed mobile applications, we can collect and process some of your data for different legitimate purposes.

You will find below explanations regarding the reasons why Metaspeed may collect data and the legal bases Metaspeed relies on in each case.

Metaspeed collects data:

  • To provide you with the services you asked for (e.g., knowing that you completed the first level to allow access to the second one)
    • Legal basis – such data processing is strictly necessary for the service(s) asked
  • To run analytics and understand how users interact with our product and services in order to continuously improve it either directly or through third-party partners (e.g., identifying that a feature is annoying for users or that a level is too difficult for most gamers)
    • Legal basis for third-party analytics - Express consent. In the countries where collecting users’ consent may be required by applicable laws and regulations, Metaspeed only shares personal data collected through Metaspeed apps with third-party partners that provide Metaspeed with analytics services once you express your consent through the pop-up notice included in our apps.
    • Legal basis for first-party analytics – Legitimate interest. Metaspeed collects user data for the purpose of its own internal analytics tools. Data is used for the sole purpose of Metaspeed analytics tool and is not shared with any third parties. This data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Metaspeed.
  • To serve advertising tailored to the preference and interests of our users and allow Metaspeed to continue to provide free services and products
    • Legal basis – Express consent. In the countries where collecting users’ consent may be required by applicable laws and regulations, Metaspeed only processes or shares personal data collected through Metaspeed apps for personalized advertising purposes once you express your consent through the pop-up notice included in one of our apps.

For all data processing activities that rely on users’ consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time from the “settings” page in our various applications.

Please note that in the case where you withdraw your consent or where you refuse to consent in the first place, you will still be served with advertising, but that may be less relevant to you as it will not be tailored to your interests.

What data does Metaspeed collect from its apps and games?

For all the purposes listed above, the data that Metaspeed collect is limited to:

  • Name
  • Username
  • Gender
  • Keywords
  • City- and/or country-level geolocation data
  • Internet browser user-agent used to access the Services
  • Name and properties of mobile application through which the user interacts with the Services
  • Your IP address
  • The apps you are using
  • Device properties related to screen size & orientation, audio volume and battery
  • Your Mobile Advertising ID (Apple IDFA or Google AAID - which are technical identifiers developed by mobile operating systems for advertising purposes which remain under your control and can be reset or erased at any time in through your device settings) and device identifier (e.g., IDFV for iOS devices and Android ID for Android devices)
  • Information about the device you use and your connection (user agent, type of connection, timestamp, system language, device model, screen resolution and settings, battery level, available storage space, time zone, OS)
  • Data pertaining to your activities on our applications and notably the way in which you interact with our applications (for instance, how and when you use our applications) and with the advertising served in our applications (for instance, number of ads served, potential clicks)

With whom may your data be shared & why?

Metaspeed does not share your personal data with third parties without your prior consent in the countries where collecting users’ consent may be required by applicable laws and regulations.

When you consent to the collection of data for advertising and analytics purpose, we may share the data listed above with the following categories of recipients:

  • Ad Partners: that allow us to monetize the ad inventory of our apps and provide users with free products and services.

Those partners usually collect data via their own tools (Software Development Kits or “SDK”). You will find a list of our partners implementing advertising SDKs through our applications and the privacy policies of their services that describe their practices and allow you to exercise your rights directly toward them hereafter:

  • AppLovin -
  • Vungle -
  • Unity Ads -
  • Snap -
  • Apple Search Ads-
  • TikTok-
  • Google Ads -
  • Facebook -

Analytic companies: that provide us with tools and technologies that allow us to better understand how users interact with our services and will help us improve it. Those partners also usually collect data via their own SDKs. You will find a list of our partners implementing analytical SDKs through our applications hereafter:

  • Adjust -
  • GameAnalytics -
  • Google Analytics -
  • Unity Analytics -

Authorities: only to the extent we are obliged to by applicable laws and regulations.

How long does Metaspeed keep your data?

Personal data collected, received, and processed for the purposes described in this policy is not kept longer than necessary by Metaspeed.

We keep your personal information only as long as we need it for legitimate business purposes and as permitted by applicable law. To protect the safety and security of our users on and off our services, we implement a safety retention window of 6 months following account deletion unless there is a technical difficulty. During this period, account information will be retained, although the account will, of course, not be visible on the services anymore.

When you delete your account or it is deactivated by us, we ensure it is no longer viewable on the App. For up to 28 days, it is still possible to restore your Account if it was accidentally deleted or wrongfully deactivated. After 28 days, we begin the process of deleting your personal information from our systems.

In practice, we delete or anonymize your information upon the deletion of your account (following the safety retention window) or after 10 years of continuous inactivity. An account is considered inactive when the Application of the Member has not established contact with servers and the Member has not used the Application.


We must keep it to comply with applicable law (for instance, if you make purchases within the App, some personal data may need to be kept for tax and accounting purposes); we must keep it to evidence our compliance with applicable law (for instance, records of consents to our Terms, Privacy Policy, and other similar consents are kept for five years); there is an outstanding issue, claim, or dispute requiring us to keep the relevant information until it is resolved, or the information must be kept for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud prevention and enhancing users' safety and security. For example, information may need to be kept to prevent a user who was banned for unsafe behavior or security incidents from opening a new account.

Correspondence with our Customer Support team will be retained for longer to allow us to deal with any subsequent queries you may have but will usually be deleted within 6 years if there are no queries.

Anonymized information about activity on our Services is retained for longer periods of time for statistical and product research purposes, but this is not attributable to an individual once the profile has been deleted.

Keep in mind that even though our systems are designed to carry out data deletion processes according to the above guidelines, we cannot promise that all data will be deleted within a specific time frame due to technical constraints. The deleted data may also be available for up to 72 hours due to caching systems and the interconnection of proxy servers.

Children data

Metaspeed never knowingly or willingly collects any personal data concerning children under 16 years of age.

International Transfer Policy

In order to provide the Services to you, we must transfer your data to our servers and process it there. By visiting or using our Services, you consent to the storage of your data on servers. If you are using the Services, you consent to the transfer, storage, and processing of your data. Specifically, personal data collected in Switzerland and the European Economic Area (“EEA”) is transferred and stored outside those areas.

That data is also processed outside of Switzerland and the EEA by our group companies or our service providers, including to process transactions, facilitating payments and providing support services. We have entered into data processing agreements with our service providers that restrict and regulate their processing of your data on our behalf. By submitting your data or using our Services, you consent to this transfer, storage, and processing by us and its processors. We operate a global network of servers including in Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Canada. Data collected by advertising partners may also be held outside the European Economic Area. We ensure that the data is adequately protected by ensuring that valid, legal mechanisms are in place. For European users, if your data is transferred internationally (outside of the EEA), we rely on standard contractual clauses and additional security measures in line with the relevant clauses in the GDPR and the relevant case law. If you want more information relating to the nature of the safeguards we have in place, please email

Your Rights

You have certain rights around the use of your data; you can change your consent status at any time from the Privacy Settings available in Metaspeed mobile games and the collection of your data by certain analytics providers. You can update or terminate your account from within our Services and can also contact us for individual rights requests about your personal data. Privacy laws applicable in your country may give you the following rights:

  • Right to be informed: what personal data an organization is processing and why (this notice).
  • Right of access: you can request a copy of your data.
  • Right of rectification: if the data held is inaccurate, you have the right to have it corrected.
  • Right to erasure: you have the right to have your data deleted in certain circumstances.
  • Right to restrict processing: in limited circumstances, you have the right to request that processing is stopped but the data retained.
  • Right to data portability: you can request a copy of your data in a machine-readable form that can be transferred to another provider.
  • Right to object: in certain circumstances (including where data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests or for the purposes of marketing), you may object to that processing.
  • Rights related to automated decision-making, including profiling: there are several rights in this area where processing carried out on a solely automated basis results in a decision that has legal or significant effects on the individual. In these circumstances, your rights include the right to ensure that there is human intervention in the decision-making process.
  • The particular rights which are applicable to you (which might include other rights not listed above) may vary depending on your country. You should make yourself aware of the rights you have under applicable privacy laws in your country.

We want you to be in control of your information, so we have provided you with the following tools:

Access / Update tools in the service: Tools and account settings that help you to access, rectify, or delete information that you provided to us and that’s associated with your account directly within the service.

Device permissions: Mobile platforms have permission systems for specific types of device data and notifications, such as the gallery, camera, and microphone permissions, as well as push notifications. You can change your settings on your device to either consent to or oppose the collection of the corresponding information or the display of the corresponding notifications. Of course, if you do that, certain services may lose full functionality.

Deletion: You can delete your account using the corresponding functionality directly on the service.

We want you to be aware of your privacy rights. Here are a few key points to remember:

Reviewing your information: Applicable privacy laws may give you the right to review the personal information we keep about you (depending on the jurisdiction, this may be called the right of access, right of portability, or variations of those terms). You can request a copy of your personal information by sending us an email at

Updating your information: If you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or that we are no longer entitled to use it and want to request its rectification, deletion, or object to its processing, please contact us via

For your protection and the protection of all of our users, we may ask you to provide proof of identity before we can answer the above requests.

Keep in mind that we may reject requests for certain reasons, including if the request is unlawful or if it may infringe on trade secrets or intellectual property, or the privacy of another user.

Also, we may not be able to accommodate certain requests to object to the processing of personal information, notably where such requests would not allow us to provide our service to you anymore

Uninstall: You can stop all information collected by an app by uninstalling it using the standard uninstall process for your device. If you uninstall the app from your mobile device, the unique identifier associated with your device will continue to be stored. If you reinstall the application on the same mobile device, we will be able to re-associate this identifier from your previous transactions and activities.

Accountability: In certain countries, including the European Union, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal information. The data protection authority you can lodge a complaint with notably may be that of your habitual residence, where you work, or where we are established. If you want to exercise any of your rights listed above, please visit our Feedback Page or email us at

California Privacy Rights

Consumers residing in California have some additional rights with respect to their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).

Your California Consumer Rights

California consumers have the right to request access to the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about them in the last 12 months. You may make this request up to two times in a 12-month period. You may also request additional details about our information practices, including the categories of personal information we have collected about you, the categories of sources of such collection, the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information, the categories of third parties with whom we share and sell your personal information, the categories of personal information we have disclosed and sold about you in the preceding 12 months, and the categories of third parties to whom we sold personal information in the preceding 12 months. If you are a California consumer, you also have the right to request the deletion of your personal information (subject to certain exceptions), to opt-out of sales of personal information (we never sell user information, regardless of the country they are located in) and to receive equal service and price and not be discriminated against even if you exercise any of your CCPA rights.

California consumers may make a rights request by emailing us at Your request must include sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information, which may include your email address, name, and username. If you have an account with us, you can find your account id on your main account page after you log in. We will not discriminate against you if you choose to exercise your rights under the CCPA.

Privacy Policy Changes

We will notify you before any material changes take effect, so you have time to review the changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this privacy statement or the processing of your personal data, you can contact us directly. We are also available to you in the case of requests for information, requests, or complaints:


Guvenevler mah. Alacam sk. No:10/3

Ankara/ Turkey


Legal Notice

For European citizens or residents:

You can exercise your rights as a data subject (right to be informed; right of access; right to rectification; right to erasure; right to restriction; right of data portability; and the right to object) by contacting our European representative:

EU Representative

Pursuant to Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Metaspeed has appointed Naq Cyber B.V. as its GDPR representative in the EU. If you usually reside in an EU Member State, you can contact Borlux Ltd regarding matters pertaining to the GDPR by:

Contact:Nadia Kadhim

Address:Vlamingstraat 4, 2712BZ Zoetermeer, Netherlands

When contacting our European representative, always mention our name and the nature of your request or inquiry in the subject of your email.